The International Alcohol Control Study (the IAC Study)

Associate Professor Dr. Surasak Chaiyasong is one of the founders of the International Alcohol Control Study (the IAC Study). The International Alcohol Control Study (the IAC Study) is the first ever international cohort study of alcohol use and alcohol policy relevant behaviors. The overall objective is to measure the impacts of national or state level alcohol control policies. The IAC Study supports development of alcohol policy to reduce alcohol consumption and related harm which is relevant to the Global Strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol consumption, NCD global target and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The IAC study began in 2011 as a collaboration between New Zealand, England, Scotland, South Korea and Thailand. Since then, the number of countries participating in the study has expanded to include Australia, Canada, Mongolia, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, South Africa, Vietnam and Turkey (a current total of 13 participating countries). In 2014 three African countries (Benin, Kenya and Uganda) joined the IAC project utilizing one of the IAC research tools, the Alcohol Environment Protocol, to assess the alcohol policy environment.
After the pandemic of Covid-19, the IAC Study has conducted a collaborative international study on Alcohol and Covid-19 in the member countries. In Thailand, Dr. Surasak Chaiyasong and colleagues launched an online survey on this page
For more information, see the IAC Study’s website


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