สังกัดสาขาวิชา: กลุ่มวิชาเภสัชกรรมคลินิก
ที่อยู่สำนักงาน: คณะเภสัชศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม ต.ขามเรียง อ.กันทรวิชัย จ.มหาสารคาม 44150
Department/Unit: Clinical Pharmacy
Office Address: Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahasarakham University, Kham Riang Sub-District, Kantharawichai District, Maha Sarakham 44150, Thailand
Scopus https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=23987632900
Google scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=th&user=p5UNAA4AAAAJ
Suratchada Chanasopon, Ph.D is an Assistant Professor and a lecturer in the Clinical pharmacy Group, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahasarakham University. Dr. Chanasopon received her PharmD from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahasarakham University, Thailand in 2006. She graduated with her PhD (Pharmacy and Health system) in 2015 from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Khon Kaen University. Dr. Chanasopon’s current areas of interest are pharmaceutical care and economic evaluation.
2006 Doctor of Pharmacy, Mahasarakham University
2015 Doctor of Philosophy (Pharmacy and Health System), Khon Kaen University