ชื่อ : วิระพล ภิมาลย์

Name : Wiraphol Phimarn

ตำแหน่งทางวิชาการ: รองศาสตราจารย์
Academic Position: Associate Prof.
Email : wiraphol.p@msu.ac.th    หมายเลขโทรศัพท์: (ไม่ระบุ) Fax: (ไม่ระบุ)


สังกัดสาขาวิชา : กลุ่มวิชาเภสัชกรรมคลินิก
ที่อยู่สำนักงาน : คณะเภสัชศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม ต.ขามเรียง อ.กันทรวิชัย จ.มหาสารคาม 44150


Department / Unit : Clinical Pharmacy
Offlice Address : Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahasarakham University Kham Riang Sub-District, Kantharawichai District, Maha Sarakham 44150, Thailand


Scopus https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56009586300

Google scholar  https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=f7rogtIAAAAJ&hl=th

Wiraphol Phimarn joined Mahasakham University (MSU) as a lecturer of clinical pharmacy and an experienced pharmacist who practices regularly in a clinical setting. He earned his Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) and Masters in Herbal medicine and Natural products (MSc) from the Faculty of Pharmacy at Mahasakham University. He is a researcher in pharmacy practice and community pharmacy with a focus on developing pharmacy interventions and chronic disease screening. Recently, he has developed a pictorial labelling for use in people with limited literacy, to help them manage their chronic diseases. In addition to his academic work, he also has experience of providing a variety of chronic disease screening and counselling services in community pharmacy. These include services related to obesity, depression, diabetes, hypertension, asthma and common illness monitoring. He is a peer reviewer for several journals: the Isan Journal Pharmaceutical Science; Thai Journal of Pharmacy Practice; Journal of Patient Preference and Adherence; Quality of Life Outcomes Journal and Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science.

Wiraphol Phimarn’s teaching relates to a range of clinical topics, including cardiovascular disease and herbal medicine, mineral and food supplements. Through his teaching, he has used innovative computer assisted instruction (CAI) and online tools, for which he was awarded a distinguished lecturer award from the MSU faculty senate in 2015.

Educational background


Certificate research fellowship (Biochemisty) Showa University, Japan, 2020

Master degree (Natural product and Herbal medicine)  Mahasarakham University, Thailand, 2016

Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD)  Mahasarakham University, Thailand, 2008