Page 141 - Microsoft Word - ANS 1 ËŽ
P. 141
Pharmacology of Drugs acting on PNS อชิดา จารุโชติกมล
Central control
Motor nerves
Production of nerve action potential (NAP)
Storage in the vesicles 2
Conduction to nerve terminals
ACh synthesis Depolarization of nerve terminals
Reuptake of choline by Influx of Ca into nerve terminals
nerve terminal
Approach of the vesicles to and fusion with presynaptic membrane
Release of ACh
Acetate & Choline
Hydrolysis by AChE Diffusion of ACh into synaptic cleft
Combination of ACh with postsynaptic receptor
Removal of ACh from the cleft 4
Increase in Na and K permeability
Repolarization of receptor
Depolarization of receptor and end-plate potential
Initiation of propagated muscle action potential (MAP)
Excitation-contraction coupling 5
Muscle contraction
ภาพที่ 4.2 ตําแหนงการออกฤทธิ์ของยาคลายกลามเนื้อ 5 กลุม
(ดัดแปลงจาก Katzung & Vanderah, 2021)
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