ชื่อ : พยอม สุขเอนกนันท์ โอล์สัน

Name : Phayom Sookaneknun Olson

ตำแหน่งทางวิชาการ: ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์
Academic Position: Assistant professor
Email : phayom.s@msu.ac.th     หมายเลขโทรศัพท์: (ไม่ระบุ) Fax: (ไม่ระบุ)


สังกัดสาขาวิชา : กลุ่มวิชาเภสัชกรรมคลินิก
ที่อยู่สำนักงาน : คณะเภสัชศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม ต.ขามเรียง อ.กันทรวิชัย จ.มหาสารคาม 44150


Department / Unit : Clinical Pharmacy
Offlice Address : Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahasarakham University Kham Riang Sub-District, Kantharawichai District, Maha Sarakham 44150, Thailand


Scopus  https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=16640227100

Google scholar  https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=th&user=uGscFTkAAAAJ

Phayom Sookaneknun Olson, PharmD, PhD, is Assistant Professor and a lecturer in the Clinical Pharmacy group at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahasarakham University (MSU), Thailand. She is currently Assistant Dean for International Relations and Corporate Image. She is the head of the International Primary Care Practice Research Unit (iPCPRU) at the MSU. She received her BS in Pharmacy from Chulalongkorn University in 1995 and PharmD degree from Mahasarakham University in 2001. She received the PhD (international program) from Chiang Mai University in 2005 and completed a research fellowship at Robert Gordon University, Scotland. She got 2-months experience in pharmacy practice with Maryland University in 2011.
Dr. Olson has been a member of the Smoke-Free University committee for Mahasarakham University since 2014. She has served as a member of the committee of the Community Pharmacy Foundation since 2009.  She received the best researcher award in 2013 and the Teacher Role Model award in 2020 from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahasarakham University.
Dr. Olson’s research focuses on pharmacy practice, non-communicable diseases, and tobacco control.

Educational background


1994    B.Sc. (Pharmacy)    Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
2001    Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD)    Mahasarakham University, Thailand
2005    Doctor of Philosophy (Pharmacy)
(Title: Evaluation of a Community Pharmacist’s Contribution to Hypertensive Patient’s Outcomes)    Chiang Mai University, Thailand
2007    Member of National Essential Drug List Committee (Cardiovascular medicines)    Ministry of Public Health, Thailand